This is supposed to be posted two years ago. But for whatever reason not having done so, I’m posting it just now having revisited my picture files that’s been sitting idly in the hard drive.
The thought about joining the Argao (Cebu Province) Trail Run on May 10, 2014 never crossed my mind even after a few emails sent to me by my work mates. I thought I never had the endurance to go the distance (21K), considering the intense physical requirements to finish the rough and perilous mountain trails, and to think I am totally unprepared for such a challenge.
It was only after I saw from one of my workmates who was surfing online about the race that I decided to join. I had a good vision of the natural beauties we would encounter along the trails. I always longed to experience being with nature.
Even with blurry pictures taken from an old and fogged digital cam I still find it worthwhile to cherish a few shots from the trails. Here are the few amateurish shots taken in glimpses:
For a beginner like me this map is a gruelling 21 km. of mountainous terrain and 21 river crossings
One of the first few river crossings
The real deal starts here - wading in the waters and creeping through the rocks.
Taking an instant breather against a mountain floral backdrop.
A bit exhausted but awed by the boulders that seemed to have finally and long settled from rolling out of nowhere.
Chilling sore feet and legs with the cool, wayward water flow.
Who would've thought the trails included a few tempting falls?
I couldn't believe I finally made it to the finish at a mountain top resort.
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