
Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Most Popular Pristine Tropical White Sand Beach in the Philippines - Island of Boracay

Boracay is one of the most renowned tropical white sand beaches in the Philippines. The thrill of going to this exciting island starts from the moment the plane touches down the Caticlan airport runway. From there, you will take a 5-minute ride to the Caticlan Jetty Port via a "tricycle", a modified motorbike with a sidecar extension to accomodate passengers. A number of motorized wooden boats locally termed "Bangka" wait in queue at the port to to ferry customers to the pristine, white sand beaches of Boracay.

Many tourists from around the world travel to this popular place to spend their holiday vacation for the beaches, sea adventures and nightlife. Being in Boracay is virtually a feast of fun, food and adventure. An array of luxury services line up the coasts where a number of hotels, restaurants and stores cater to the needs of the tourists. Furthermore, you get to choose vendor services of seashore massage under the coconut shades, tattoo arts, sale of souvenir items and more.

I was there myself and I am posting below some of my amateurish and un-edited dig-cam photos. Amateurish as they were, there were no tricks involved. They're just simple clicks of the button from a simple camera and perhaps, taken with luck.

If you haven't been there yet the scenes I had taken should give you an idea of how it is like vacationing in one of the liveliest and exciting island beaches in the Philippines. It is most famous for its fine, white sands with crystal-clear waters to dip in.

After a 20-30 minutes of bouncing with the playful sea waves and occasionally dousing our faces with the seawater mist aboard the inter-island wooden bangka ride, we finally approached the vibrant docking area of the Boracay Jetty port. I couldn't help but wonder at the clear blue waters that welcomed us.

Motorized, wooden "bangka" passenger boats await at the Jetty port to ferry customers to and from the Boracay island.

These tricyles could accommodate up to 6 passengers each. Sometimes, it could be overloaded to a max 8 passengers with the driver ridiculously moving forward towards the bike handles tightly. A quick 5-10 minute ride will further take you to the Boracay beaches.

Upon disembarking from the amusing tricycle ride the sight of fellow sojourners along the coasts of the island would energize your spirit.

Not even the coziness of the hotel's indigenous-themed accommodation could not entice us to lie down after a long journey to get to Boracay.

Instead, we quickly took our meals from one of the fastfood stores and had that relaxing body massage service waiting at a small area of the coconut-tree-shaded shores.

We could use some of our time sipping buko juices and randomly took this photo of the tempting white sand beach while lounging leisurely on a reclining chair.

Let's get one view of the shores being separated by lined-up coconut trees. The left side is used for passage of vacationers who choose to stroll along the myriad of commercial establishments facing the seas.

At the other side of the photo (shown previously) you get to come closer to the beach. The varying colors of the surfing boats waiting for rent add life to the lively summer beach life.

After a long days' journey and exploration of the island beaches it was time to cool off with my dose of beer amidst the waning afternoon heat.

These chairs and tables at the sand and shores await romantic beach dining at night.

As the dawn faded from last night's merrymaking we couldn't wait further for the new day to proceed. We had to wake up early to witness the serene beaches at early sunrise being prepared by caretakers for another pleasant beach day ahead.

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